Tuesday, June 15, 2010

world cup fever!

i don't know a lot about soccer. everything i know, i learned from bend it like beckham. but what i do know, is i love the world cup! well, i actually really love major sporting events: the olympics, the world cup, the world series, stanley cup finals, i'm even watching the nba finals (and i know even less about basketball). when i can't watch the game, i am consistently checking my phone for updates. i even woke up early this morning just to watch a game. but why? why would i wake up  to watch a game i don't fully understand? the world cup doesn't frequently come up in my conversations, so i don't need it to be relevant. i think it's because i love sports and what sports can do. the world cup not only brings together people from all over the world but it is able to unite countries despite any internal turmoil. my love for the cup has less to do with soccer and more to do with rooting for the underdog, the potential feel-good sports story...and rooting for USA.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the end of an era

today i had to say goodbye to a part of my childhood. my cherished aim screen-name. even though i haven't used it in years, i never planned on ever deleting it.unfortunately a  spam hacker took over and started spamming the world and my address book (sorry yall). i will cherish my aim memories such as bsb chatrooms and 6th grade chats where i first discovered learned about PEN15.  i will never forget that one time when my class's foreign exchange student asked me to the school dance but i read it too late. i'll miss those seventeen magazine emails i used to get and that missy elliot chime. bye bye hockeyprincess. bye bye.