Tuesday, August 3, 2010

kids these days

i honestly don't know what is up with the youth these days. you'd think with all the teen magazines and television shows, they'd pick up a thing or two about presentation. i thought people were upset because teen girls are trying to look older too soon: wearing too much make up, dying their hair, etc., etc. yet, all i have been seeing is sloppiness.  i'm not saying i leave the house looking immaculate everyday, i live for my days off where i can just wear a jeans, a hoodie and slip ons. however, if i'm going to go into a store, any store, but particularly, a store that sells jeans over $100, italian cashmere, and t-shirts over $30, looking for a job, i would not roll in with ratty wet hair, basketball shorts, flip-flops, and a high school gym t-shirt to ask: "um, hi, are you hiring?" while twirling my hair on my finger. (sorry for that run-on sentence.) um, hello, seventeen magazine, don't you have articles about how to present yourself in public. this poor girl isn't going to land a job at wal-mart, let alone any store in a mall. kids these days need to realize the importance of making an impression. they are dubbing them/us, the lazy generation for a reason. you don't have to wear expensive clothes to look good, you just need to look like you put in some effort, not that just rolled out of bed.smh.

smh=shaking my head.