Sunday, January 15, 2012

before this meme dies

oh hai blog! it's been a while, but no time to waste updating you on frivilous details about my life. a meme is currently dying and i'm hoping my rant will be a nail on the coffin.

shit (insert group of people) says has quickly risen to popularity and as all memes will slowly fall. the first shit girls say was funny, second not so much. shit white girls say to black girls was hilarious as was shit nobody says was great, but there have been dozens of sub par spin-offs. but with all that said, here is another one:

Shit people say that you know is a lie...

i always wash my hands after i go to the bathroom

i didn't fart, i think it was that old lady

i never pee in the shower

no...all babies are cute

sure, i'd love to help you move all your furniture for a 6 pack of bud light

i love your grandma chic look

no, i'm not a hipster

so, if you hear anyone say this, feel free to say or show them this:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

ew, tweens.

oh hello my abandoned blog. it's been far too long. i really don't have a reason for my absence other than being busy with life, which has been pretty monotonous. therefore, i didn't have an urge to blog about anything until a few days ago.

i realized, i really really dislike tween girls. a part of it is that i am jealous that they have such cool clothes, when i was nine, it was all about windbreaker suits and oversized sweatshirts with leggings from limited too.  now it's all about mini adult clothes with funky colors and patterns. ( i have been looking at crewcuts a little too much lately). however, the source of my disdain for tween girls, is because they are a bunch of little bitches. mean girls has moved from high school to the third grade.

this all stems from an encounter i had with a girls soccer team. i was grabbing lunch with my mom and aunt when a herd of girls came in. they all crammed into a booth while the parents grabbed orders. when the parents at their tables, i noticed one girl in glasses sitting alone in the corner. if i noticed, then surely the parents noticed. but did they do anything, no. it wasn't this girl's choice to sit by herself, i watched her as she watched the giggling girls wait for their food. she got up, only to move to a table with her little brothers. she sat there playing with her straw and hawaiian punch, totally ignored. i felt my eyes well up and i had to stop looking. my heart just broke for the little girl.

i don't know why it happens or how it happens, but girls get to an age where they just become huge bitches. they are mean and heartless. not all girls become this way and they all don't stay that way. but it happens, nonetheless.

here however, is one fierce tween that i can tolerate:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

kids these days

i honestly don't know what is up with the youth these days. you'd think with all the teen magazines and television shows, they'd pick up a thing or two about presentation. i thought people were upset because teen girls are trying to look older too soon: wearing too much make up, dying their hair, etc., etc. yet, all i have been seeing is sloppiness.  i'm not saying i leave the house looking immaculate everyday, i live for my days off where i can just wear a jeans, a hoodie and slip ons. however, if i'm going to go into a store, any store, but particularly, a store that sells jeans over $100, italian cashmere, and t-shirts over $30, looking for a job, i would not roll in with ratty wet hair, basketball shorts, flip-flops, and a high school gym t-shirt to ask: "um, hi, are you hiring?" while twirling my hair on my finger. (sorry for that run-on sentence.) um, hello, seventeen magazine, don't you have articles about how to present yourself in public. this poor girl isn't going to land a job at wal-mart, let alone any store in a mall. kids these days need to realize the importance of making an impression. they are dubbing them/us, the lazy generation for a reason. you don't have to wear expensive clothes to look good, you just need to look like you put in some effort, not that just rolled out of bed.smh.

smh=shaking my head.