i've also been busy because i got a part time retail job to add to my unpaid non-prof work, my random editing assignments, and job as president of the babysitter's club. i actually enjoy working retail, i find folding shirts therapeutic (i'm not being sarcastic), and the discount is great. however, to my readers, please think twice before trying on all the clothes in a store, not buying anything, and leaving your fitting room a disastah!
speaking of disastahs, christina aguilera's new music video.... as MK from dlisted eloquently put it:
i don't know who was the low budge bitch who came up with the concept for this video, but whomever they may be, all they did was watch some old madonna, britney, gaga, beyonce videos and decide to add a bit more of skankiness. christina is too talented to be such a try hard. the video just reeks of desperation.
that's all for now. formspring me with suggestions of blog topics or whatever.