Friday, April 30, 2010

oh hi blogspot

so, i really dropped the ball on blogging. this month i have been really busy unleashing my inner martha stewart. i redid one of our bathrooms: stripped the wallpaper, primed  and sanded the walls, painted, bought new curtains and accessories. it was so much fun, i decided i wanted to redo more rooms. next up was my brother's room, well, i'm still working on my brother's room. you see my brother and father decided to paint his room forrest green! it has been awful, each wall takes a minimum of 3 coats of primer and i can still see that freaky green trying to poke through. i have one wall left and dwindling motivation.

i've also been busy because i got a part time retail job to add to my unpaid non-prof work, my random editing assignments, and job as president of the babysitter's club. i actually enjoy working retail, i find folding shirts therapeutic (i'm not being sarcastic), and the discount is great. however, to my readers, please think twice before trying on all the clothes in a store, not buying anything, and leaving your fitting room a disastah!

speaking of disastahs, christina aguilera's new music video.... as MK from dlisted eloquently put it:
i don't know who was the low budge bitch who came up with the concept for this video, but whomever they may be, all they did was watch some old madonna, britney, gaga, beyonce videos and decide to add a bit more of skankiness. christina  is too talented to be such a try hard. the video just reeks of desperation. 

that's all for now. formspring me with suggestions of blog topics or whatever.

Friday, April 9, 2010

i also hate...

the font: cosmic sans
(yes, i believe this warranted its own post)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

things i hate

in spirit of itskingsleybitch's video things i hate (which i 100% agree with him on all of his pet peeves) i have decided to post a list of some of the things i hate.

in no particular order:

- i hate eggs, sunnyside up, scrambled, eggs benedict, omlets, hard-boiled, i hate them

 -i hate it when people say, "i'm going to call you (insert lame nickname)" we aren't friends, why are you already giving me a nickname? are you that lazy?

-i hate when you are walking down the street and you look at a guy and his girlfriend  immediately starts grabbing him like i'm about to run up and steal him, i was probably looking at whatever ugly ass shirt you bought him at kmart

-i hate kmart. (but i love target )

-i hate it when people go to karaoke and sing like they are going to their american idol audition, this isn't open mic night, no one goes to karaoke to listen to "good" singing.

-i hate it when people date someone who looks like they could be their father/mother/aunt/uncle, either you need to make yourself look older or he/she needs to get some botox b/c it irks me out and makes me want to call chris hansen fast.

-i hate having to fight with automated messages, i am convinced there are real people just sitting, laughing, listening to us fight with computer generated voices.