Friday, October 9, 2009 what?

after waking up at 7 am and not hitting snooze ( to try and accomplish the painful task of online-reservations) i read that President Obama has won the Noble Peace Prize to everyone's surprise, including him. now, everyone who knows me well knows i do not like to talk about politics. if anything, i like to class myself as a fierce independent who has a decent ability to look at all sides of an issue. HOWEVER. this is something i do not understand. Obama has been president for 8 months. he is apparently being praised for inspiring hope and a vision of a world free of nuclear arms. hmmm.  it seems to some commentators that this is some sort of sign of encouragement and hope that he will continue thinking and stuff.

EDIT: supposably, according to the assoicated press; "More often, the prize is awarded to encourage those who receive it to see the effort through, sometimes at critical moments."and the nomination deadline was february 1st?! he'd been president for a week.


umm excuse me, but i haven't received anything for my "efforts" since the 4th grade when we started getting real grades.

when i read  that this is about him wanting world peace, i immediately thought of this clip. forward to 4:07. they wanted world peace too and they didn't get a crown let alone one of the most important awards or what not.

i don't even know.



  1. learn to spell. it's nobel not noble.

  2. oh hai stranger,
    i must have been thinking of barnes & noble, a better suited prize (think gift card)
    btw i don't care about spelling.


