Sunday, November 15, 2009

another tale of the immigrant family

after a long family adventure at costco (did yall know the one in ny sells louis vuitton purses?), my aunt called my father and had a longish conversation in greek. the only words i really understand are hello, goodbye, yes, thank you, and some various curse words. yet, usually i am able to pick up the nature of the conversation based on change in tones and the use of the word, "neh". today's convo was confusing though, it started out sounding very serious but then my dad was laughing occasionally. i figured it had to be about yiaya, my grandmother. i was wrong. sort of.

the story starts off a few weeks ago, nah, it starts forever ago. basically, my yiaya has had problems with her neighbors since the turks invaded the greeks in cyprus. when she came to america, she always had some sort of bizarre issue. the most notable being when she started feeding the neighbors 3 cats, the cats eventually moved over. there was a fight between the neighbors and my aunt & yiaya because yiaya basically stole their cats, even though she doesn't see it that way. sadly, last year, the obese cat killed fell walked off the balcony. RIP fat cat. 

so, a few weeks ago, my grandmother was hit by the neighbor's car as she reversed or something. however, we didn't find out till a week later when my dad told me i had to babysit my cousin while they took her to the er. what the family failed to tell me was that my cousin was recently getting over swine flu and i spent the next few days paranoid that i contracted it. (my immune system is less than stellar, i need to up my vitamin-C). edit: yiaya is okay, there wasn't any damage from the accident

you are basically all caught up now. which brings us to the phone call. 

last night, the same woman that apparently hit my grandmother with her car, saw that the light in my aunt's car was left on. i guess it was late and she didn't want to wake anyone, so she went in the car (because it was open) and turned it off herself. today, she informed my aunt of this. my aunt's response? to call the police of course. why? to have them make sure this woman didn't do anything to the car. because if this neighbor was really out to get them, she would knock on their door and give them a heads up. my dad tried to talk my aunt (who is a judge) out of this nonsense but it's too late.

you're right martin: shit just got real

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