Thursday, November 19, 2009

sixteen forever

after a grueling krav maga workout, i needed a stretch. as i tried to see if i could still touch my toes, a girl from class came up to me and asked: "what grade are you in?" my immediate response was grade?huh?. i replied oh, i'm not in any grade. she then tells me, "i'm going to be 14 a month from today." i say, i'm 22. Disappointed, she responds, "really?! oh. you look so young."

at first i felt really offended. how dare she think i was young enough to be her cool teenager friend. i complain to my mother and her friends who all tell me how great that is and how flattered that i should be. they said i am a little too young to appreciate the mistake.

but the thing is, i've looked sixteen for the past ten years! thanks to early onset puberty, i was 5'5 by the time i graduated elementary school, with birthing hips and a C-cup bra. people used to think my brother, who was 3 at the time, was my son.

i don't want to look old or anything, everyone knows i worry about premature aging. but i don't think it would be so bad to look maybe 18?


  1. I understand your situation. If you're going to look young, might as well look like you're legal.

    My concern is what kind of guys you're going to be attracting. A guy is going to hit on you and you'll start wondering ... "CLEARLY I look 16, is he a pedophile?"

  2. you look ravishing dahling

  3. this is why i tend to attract creepers. b/c i look like a ravishing youngin.

  4. actually i've always been impressed by your looking so exactly your age. perhaps this is because despite the whole three weeks i lived before you...i look twelve. (recently overheard: "y como puede ser profesora? parece niniiiiita.")

    <3 roomie.

  5. it's the one dimple!
