Monday, September 14, 2009


i'm glad mtv figured out the secret to having an entertaining VMAs...have no security whatsoever. i'm talking to you kanye and lil mama. seriously, wtf was up with those two hoodrats. and i don't even listen to taylor swift.
now, i'm not gonna sit here and write that i will never listen to kanye again or i will go buy some taylor swift records. both of them are receiving an inordinate amount of publicity right now, for better or for worse. the real "losers" in this situation, are everyone else who performed at the vmas or won an award. besides beyonce, i honestly cant remember who won one. and thanks to kanye, beyonce's award for video of the year was overshadowed by his tomfuckery. i never thought he'd be able to do it, but kanye west overshadowed michael fucking jackson. after all the hype and work that went into that tribute, no one is talking about it.

finally....single ladies is NOT one of the best videos ever made. i remember the first time i saw it, i was fucking furious. why? because i took me about 2 seconds to recognize that she was doing moves from this video: 

later my fury calmed down when beyonce said that this was her inspiration. but, putting on a leotard and some heels and inviting your favorite tranny back-up dancers does not make it one of the greatest videos of all time. a great video? yes. but nothing to get your panties bunched up over.

those are my two cents.

ps. russell brand, you are not funny and not responsible for obama being elected. STFD & STFU.

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