Wednesday, September 9, 2009

seeds of love

my work space aka the kitchen table
so, i'm not quite sure if it was the allergy meds or the two hours of sleep, but yesterday i was a creative high. i finished a script, started two new stories, read three scripts (vmars, sex & the city, & arrested development), started brainstorming self-portrait and portrait ideas, and did my hair (not really creative but slightly time consuming). i didn't actually accomplish much from my actual to do list, such as make appointments or unpack, but i felt really productive. i didn't even watch tv apart from the flight of the conchords disk 2 which had come in on netflix. i'm sure i will eventually hit a writers block and start to spend my days in bed watching repeats on bravo and wishing someone would give me a job already.  this unemployment thing is so 4 weeks ago.

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