Saturday, October 17, 2009

clarification among other things

i've been bed ridden for 3 days because i am teething (wisdom teeth). seriously the most pain i can remember, the only thing that helped was old school techniques, rubbing whisky on my gums and drinking hot toddies. it's feeling a lot better but i am yet to touch solid food.

there is something that i have to clarify. my mom read my last post and was very emotional. i'm not confused or ashamed of my racial/ethnic background, i was just expressing the hurt and confusion i experienced as a child that impacted the way i view myself. i wasn't trying to be like all, "woe is me" and shit but that is sorta how it came out. at the end of the day i love being bi-racial, multi-ethnic, however you want to look at it, i grew up with a hilarious mixed family, lots of culture, and a nice tan. i don't sit and ponder my race all day, it is something that is usually provoked by certain circumstances.

speaking of circumstances, my friend sent me an article about an inter-racial couple being denied a marriage license in louisiana. besides being extremely racist, this is completely ILLEGAL. a lot of people are shocked and it has sparked discussions and debates, it makes me sad, but at least it forces people to realize that racism still exists in this country.

in other news, i am so close to living the dream of watching mariano rivera pitch against carlos ruiz in the world series (viva panama)!

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