Tuesday, October 6, 2009

if you think i'm tired today, wait till you see me tomorrow

i think it's about time i write about one of my all time favorite obsessions, the ROOM. this film is a true gem of cinema. it is both one of the worst movies ever made and the greatest movie watching experience. everything in this movie is wrong. everything. but, if loving the room is wrong, then i don't want to be right.

i discovered the film through the other half of the tap dancing duo (mino). back in january, we watched the youtube clips repeatedly, quoting them incessantly. what i understood was that, in the director's eyes, the film had the "passion of tennessee williams" it just went horribly wrong in the most fabulous way. so in march when i was in need of some retail therapy i decided to splurge on amazon and pay a whopping $7 on amazon for the so called "worst movie ever made." i rallied up a group of friends grabbed a few bottles of liquor and hoped for the best (or the worst). within the first five minutes i was literally rolling on the floor with laughter. the dialogue, the make-up, the editing, the sex scenes (oh i mean love scenes), the cinematography, the music, they were all perfectly terrible. no matter how many videos you see or articles you read, absolutely nothing can prepare you for your first viewing. i was lucky enough to have friends who enjoyed it as much as i did. when the movie was over we were deciding when we would watch it again. the room took over our lives, subconsciously . it was almost like a drug and we needed our next fix. but like drugs, the room is not for everyone. i have friends who say they want to see it but i just know it's not for them. it's an acquired taste if you will. the movie has garnered a cult following and over the summer it seemed to have peaked, people sent me links and messages to a video abc news did on it and i thought, yeah, i know bitch, the star of the film sent it to me months ago. (yeah i friended two of the actors b/c i'm a groupie).

as a budding writer, i have found that the ROOM has slipped it's way into my writing. mainly with my over use of the phrase, "oh hi..." and "don't worry about it". while it hasn't inspired my creative process immensely apart from an accidentally failed short film this summer, it has given me the hope that i too can make it some day.

i decided to write about my love for the room is because i miss it. i haven't seen it since july. the reason is, this is not a movie you can watch alone and watching it sober is also at your own risk. i tried watching it alone once and it was depressing, without the group atmosphere you just focus on what a crazy mess you are watching instead of enjoying the ridiculousness of it all. when you watch it with friends, every time is a different experience, you notice different bizarre facial expressions or bones popping out, you hear different things or laugh at different parts. my favorite scene always changes as does my favorite line.

my recommendation: if you like campy films and if you understand that this movie was supposed to be a drama ala tennessee williams that went horribly wrong, you will enjoy this. 

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