Monday, October 5, 2009

still cleaning

i'm still cleaning my room. when i say cleaning, i mean, going through everything i own, including baby clothes and reorganizing, throwing things out, or donating them. I'm up to my high school/ college stuff. I found a journal from junior year of high school and frosh year of college. it's funny to read my thoughts and aspirations but it was also annoying because all of the entries were extremely self-loathing but whatever. i'll blame it on S&TC. some funny quotes:

nov 2003: "did you know that "another one bites the dust" has subliminal messages? of course you didn't you're a fucking journal."

june 2004: " I got a 3.8 average this year, which really fucking sucks."

oh goodnes. i also found a script i started writing about some girl working in a record store. must have been during my pretty in pink phase.
anywhoo, must clean.

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