Sunday, September 13, 2009

things that make me sad

so, i have decided that i am much to lazy to have a "professional" blog. eff that shit. this weekend i have discovered a few things that make me sad.

1. the fact that the black eyed peas "i've got a feeling" is the number one song in America. i truly feel disappointed in my country and in my family for loving this song and raising the volume when it comes on the air. i've never been so annoyed with a song in my whole life, it literally upsets me want to cry and destroy things.  my mom says "well they are making a lot of money of it." well not me. i will not buy it or any product/service that ever associates with it. the song is darksided.

2. depressing movies that disguise themselves as empowering or uplifting. case in point "the secret lives of bees" the commercial on demand has a kid singing and talking about love and stuff. in reality, it's a depressing film about death, racism, honey and abuse. as my mother cried, she explained to me that this has happened to her before (she bought the movie). like the one time she rented million dollar baby to inspire my little brother before a tournament.

3. people who are still trying to relive high school. i am not one of those people who had a tragic high school experience. i wasn't uber popular and i wasn't a loser either. i was active in different organizations and basically approached high school as my way to get into an ivy league school (great success). when i graduated high school....i fucking graduated from high school. i moved on with my life and kept in touch with my true friends. a lot of my classmates did not really move on, they went to a college with a large group of people from hs, socialized with them, didn't really do much, didn't explore, didn't grow. which is fine i guess. that's their choice. now what really makes me sad is the fact that an individual who spent their entire high school career trying to be popular, is still trying to be popular by hosting a grand mini hs reunion. i want to hug him and say, please, just let it go. i have plans (i think) the night  of this supposed party but i feel sad because this has potential fail written all over it.

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