Monday, September 21, 2009

another tale of the inefficient detective

i really can't make these stories up. my mom really isn't a pretentious person, she doesn't care about famous people and doesn't know who half of them are. she retold this story on our way to the redskins game, still not caring about her inability to recognize people (or as we know symbols).

back in 2005, my mom was doing some work in the white house. she was in the roosevelt room trying to finish something for an upcoming trip when some man wanders in.
this is the basic gist of the conversation. 
mom (busy and not in the mood): exqueeze me but who are you?
tom: oh, i'm tom.
mom: nice to meet you tom, can i help you?
tom: ah i just have a headache so i wanted to sit down for a second.
mom: umm okay, well i'm working....what are you doing her today, tom?
tom: i'm here with my team. (apparently he was trying to hint to her who he was)
mom: oh that's nice. (still doesn't care or know what he's talking about)

tom sorta lingered around and then some girl comes in all giggly. he signs something. mom still doesn't know or care. eventually tom has to rejoin his team. after he left, my mother goes back to the office. when she walks by she notices "some statue with a football on top" (seriously mother!) she starts telling some coworkers about this bizarre occurrence and the crazy girl who was all giggly. one coworker goes, that was me. everyone else was like, ummm are you serious? they google a picture of him and ask her if that's the guy. she goes yes that's tom! everyone else goes "that's tom brady." mom is like, whatever he was bothering me.

stay tuned for the inefficient detective's second run-in with that tom guy. ( i need her to retell it again)

1 comment:

  1. my favorite line "whatever he was bothering me."

    only because, though i havent met your mom, that just sounds like something you would say (not about tom brady but in general) and it makes me want to meet ur mommy cuz she sounds like a badass chick
